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Mission & Vision

Goah has a very strong goal to improve the quality of life of the vulnerable street children and orphans through education, care, love and support. In addition, Goah promotes the strengthening of street children in various areas that affect humanity.

Mission und Vision von Goah

Children represent a large percentage of the population in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, 44% of the population is younger than 14 years and 65% of the population is younger than 25 years. The child should grow up in a family environment and in an atmosphere of happiness, love, guidance and understanding! However, when we talk about people at risk in Ethiopia, no person is more vulnerable than a child. The Ethiopian Ministry of Health reported in the year 1987, 2,656,195 single and double orphans. Today there are more than 4 million children. The most common causes of orphans or separation of children from their parents are famine, conflict, displacement and lost parents due to HIV / AIDS. Children without parents or relatives who can take care of them are forced to live hopelessly on the street.

Many homeless and impoverished children in Ethiopia need care and education. Poverty in childhood is a cause of poverty in adulthood. Impoverished children often become impoverished parents, who in turn raise their own children in poverty. To break this cycle of poverty government, civil society and the public sector should play their role. By helping the poorest of the poor, one can exert the greatest influence on society. ausüben.

Bahir Dar is the capital of the Amhara region and it is one of the largest cities in Ethiopia. The city is a key area for many people from different directions looking for better living,, education and employment. Women, in particular, are more vulnerable to urban migration as rural-city factors such as arranged marriage, rape, kidnapping, and enormous suffering and exploitation play a role in rural areas. Due to the ever-increasing price of living conditions, numerous socio-economic problems and other factors in the city, economically deprived parts of the community such as children, adolescents and women are very vulnerable to social crises. The children and the young population are the most affected groups in society. According to data collected and assembled at the Bahir Dar Women's, Children and Youth Authority Office (March 2011), there are more than two thousand orphaned and vulnerable children in only nine Kebele administrations. These orphans and vulnerable children are in difficult circumstances and urgently need help and and support from development actors.

Studies on children show that the key challenge facing children in dire poverty is inadequate food, access to healthcare, access to education and lack of access to clean water. Given the multidimensional nature of poverty, its measurement should encompass a multitude of dimensions, not just income, since the exclusive focus on income omits important aspects of what it means to be poor.